Change is in the air...
It is nearly the end of yet another school year. A year that even my kids have described as going too fast. I am feeling emotional as it marks the end of another grade, another chapter. Change is in the air. The uncertainty that comes with change naturally invites resistance, agitation, and perhaps fear…even happy changes. Which brings me back to why I began this in the first place…
My kids have been particularly good at pushing each other’s buttons lately. It’s likely the anticipation of summer, school days that are a little more squirrelly, slightly later bedtimes (while the longer daylight hours are 🙌🏻 makes a 7:30pm bedtime damn near impossible🤦🏻♀️). I find myself continuously asking them...”do you like fighting, do you like making someone else unhappy, you seem to only be making yourself unhappy in the process...?!?”. This change of season and routine is bringing out the hot mess in them all.
Hopefully they acclimate quickly to the new season (for my sanity as well as theirs). I was offered a suggestion recently to help guide sibling squabbles, but actually applies to any situation in life that is less than ideal. Instead of sitting in that space of irritation or confusion, check in with your strengths and figure out what you’re capable of doing to make yourself feel better in the situation. Maybe it’s as simple as walking away, maybe it’s changing your tone, maybe it’s bringing humor to the situation, maybe it’s having more patience or compassion.
There’s plenty we have no control over, especially change. But by looking at things through the lens of possibility & gratitude instead of disappointment in the things that are no longer - we can help temper the flares of emotions which often accompany change that we may not even realize. It definitely takes a conscious effort because the default can be a more negative tack.
Seasonal changes offer us a natural opportunity to reflect & find gratitude for the good and grow out of any habits or ruts that may be holding us back. I feel like this applies to every area of life: family, work, friendships…
Look forward with an optimism that may not have been available without the lessons and time spent in the previous chapter. In this mid-year, start of summer season, I’ll be doing some reflecting and refocusing…not dwelling. I’m hopeful this will keep the worry of change at bay and instead invite appreciation & awareness for what was, what is, and what is to come for the future.
How well do you handle change?!?
Happy Summertime!☀️