I drafted this post in a notebook with a cover that loudly reads, “YES YOU CAN”! I don't think that is a coincidence. This post has been written & rewritten in my head for awhile, and it's now time to share. Yes, you are on a page titled, Harrison & Co. Creative. No, we are not creating another child...4 is our magic number...and frankly any more would be the tipping point for my sanity.
Harrison & Co. Creative is my new “space” - where I'm putting my passions to work - helping others communicate & showcase their passionate works. An untapped creative ambition has been brewing within me as far back as I can remember. It's timidly toe-tested the water at brief points in my life before - photography, writings, even a dabble in network marketing (while not a fit for me, I did discover how much I liked building connections with people). Up until now, nothing has spoken as loud and clear as this creative calling has.
Social media for many, is a way to pass the time. Some may even deem it a “necessary evil” of sorts. But one can't deny that social media is an exceptionally powerful communication tool, that cannot be ignored. When used constructively and creatively, it can really enhance the social experience of the user(s). The simple components of social media, pictures and words...happen to be two creative outlets I love. Lightbulb moment - use my passion for verbs & visuals - harness my marketing degree and...voilá. Harrison & Co. Creative was born, figuratively of course.
Communicating visions - with good copy, good images, and attention to detail - allows me to curate an experience that builds connections, strengthens brands and fulfills ambitions.
Carving out time to write, edit, and curate ideas will definitely present challenges at times. It's terrifying and exhilarating in the same breath - can you say vulnerable…? But it feels right - I have so much to offer - everything else will fall into place. I'm so grateful for the encouraging support I've received so far.
Thank you to those who are choosing to see and trust my passionate capabilities rather than my minimal portfolio. A trusted and wise friend shared this quote with me - “the expert in anything, was once a beginner”.
Great things to come!