11 year old reflections...

He commented yesterday, "how can it be Dec. 23rd already, it seems like August to me?!  Not that it feels like August, although there is hardly any snow, but it doesn't feel like it can be Christmas again already!"  I love that he is developing a sense of appreciation for time and perspective, it also makes me a little wistful.  Because with that perspective, can come anxiety and perhaps regret.  I have to make a conscious effort to not get bogged down by all the, "would'ves, should'ves, could'ves".  Did we get on all (any) of the monthly parent-child dates I thoughtfully enjoyed writing out as a Christmas present to each of our kids last year?  Nope, not a one.  Did we squeeze in on-on one time with each of our kids throughout the year, yes.  So it was still a win.  Especially this time of year, there can be endless expectations to live up to and if you're not mindful, they'll drain all the magical energy from the season.

With my business growing and working to navigate a balance of family, work, friends, self-care time....the most wonderful time of the year, was a challenge at times.  There were definitely some balls dropped, and a few unmet expectations.  Overall though, I feel really good about where 2017 is opening into 2018.  As I reflect back on the year, it sped by even fast than it did for my 11 year old.  There are three prevalent keywords that span all areas of my life.

Grace, goodness and goals.  I didn't just pick those because they flow so nicely together but oh how I love that they do ;-), they legitimately are great keywords to define my year.  Maybe these are words you'd like to adopt as keywords for your New Year.

Grace:  Give it to others, and give it to yourself.  Webster has a different definition, but to me it is a blend of understanding, acceptance and empathy.   It can move your forward into spaces of goodness you didn't know were there.

Goodness:  Someone dear to me has a simple yet strong mantra of, "good finds good".  Insecurities have a way of creeping in to all areas of our lives: relationships, work, and just life in general.  The vulnerability that comes with starting a new business, most definitely invites insecurities!  But trusting in your own goodness, can help, and has helped me to grow more goodness instead of insecurities.  It will also connect you to the goodness in others.

Goals:  Its not just cliche New Years activity.  Goals are an important part of my personal business planning, as well as the strategies I help clients with.  In terms of marketing and branding, goals and vision are essential.  Business or not, regularly "checking in with yourself" and assessing where you're at, where you want to be, in any aspect of your life is important.  Everyone understands life gets busy, and how easy it is to get stuck in a routine.  There isn't a one-size, fits-all goal-setting formula.  Look for a way that works for you.  Maybe its an app, maybe its a weekly/monthly planner with inspiring quotes heading the pages, maybe its post-it notes "to-dos" on your kitchen counter...?  Whatever helps you to set some goals, and most importantly, helps you get & stay excited about your goals, is the right tool for you.  Do you have a favorite way to set and/or track goals??

So to my son, I'm not sure how Dec. 23rd, 2016 so quickly became Dec. 23rd 2017, but hold an appreciation for the high times and the low times of each year, and the time that makes up everything in-between.  Goodness, grace and goals can be found in all those moments.  

Thank you of your eleven year old reflection, turned into a thirty-seven year old musing at 4:30am on Christmas Eve :-)



Tania Harrison