managing the unexpected...

The unexpected is inevitable.  It comes on both sides of the coin.  Both forms, "good" and "bad" can easily make you spin.  I had both sides occur this week.  The first was a less-positive form.  It wasn't outwardly "bad" - and the news wasn't exactly directed at me - but was related to what I do for the client.  It made me question my relevance and abilities to deliver for a client, that I thoroughly enjoy working with.  Not going to lie, I was sad.  Sad, that I maybe didn't have the skills to do what they needed, and that what I have done so far, just wasn't enough.  I fought hard to stay off the train of negativity.  After all, I hadn't yet had a conversation about it, just read an email or two.  I repeated mantras that I go through when I meditate (yes, I mediate.  I LOVE it.  That is a blog topic for another day) - back to my point.  Those mantras helped me focus on positive energy, to release the things out of my control, and that I am enough.  

Fast forward, only a day or two.  I was able to talk with the client and was reassured that this change wasn't a reflection of my work for them nor in replacement of me.  I may actually be needed even more now.  It strengthened my confidence and energized me in a fresh way.

The other unexpected moment, came the very same day.  I was contacted by a local business who was inquiring about my skillset, as it might relate to their holiday campaign which needed to begin ASAP.   I got seriously wheeled-up for a brief time.  Given their timeframe and my potential learning curve for what they needed, it wasn't the right fit, at least for now.  But it is a project I could really embrace, and honestly, I would rock at.  To say I was flattered, and surprised is an understatement.  This is a prestig business, that dominates their market in our community.  It opened my eyes to new possibilities, deepened my appreciation for the stellar clients I have right now, and solidified that the business I have really, really...right.    

To pull this all together - managing the unexpected.  In work-life, in family-life, in everything really, the surprises will come.  It takes work to keep the mind focused and not (overly) distracted by the good, the bad and the unexpected. 



Tania Harrison